Land Tax 

Surcharge Purchaser Duty and Surcharge Land Tax are aimed at collecting money from foreign investors who do not ordinarily reside

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Payroll Tax

Payroll tax is collected by Revenue NSW and is routinely examined for non-compliance in areas such as grouping provisions where

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Capital Gains Tax  

Capital gains and losses affect a wide range of transactions, although most commonly they are associated with property and shares.

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Tax Havens

If you have funds in a low tax jurisdiction (tax haven) and you have not declared those funds, or the

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Failure to Lodge

If you are penalised for failing to lodge, there is a significant administrative penalty set at 75% (of the amount

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Taxation Residency

Whether you are leaving Australia permanently or entering Australia as a foreign resident it is essential that you do not

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Taxation Litigation

If you have lodged an objection, and the objection was unsuccessful, we can appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (for

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Objections to Audit

If you have been audited and the ATO has imposed additional tax, penalties and interest on you or your business,

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Taxation Audits

ATO audits are never easy and should only be handled by experienced professionals. An allegation made by the Australian Taxation

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Taxation Penalties

When the ATO audits or otherwise amends an assessment by increasing the amount that you owe, they will also impose

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Taxation Fraud and Evasion

Tax fraud and tax evasion are serious matters that carry heavy consequences, including criminal prosecution and imprisonment. Fraud requires knowledge

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Estate Planning

Comprehensive Estate planning is important. What is more important is ensuring that the ATO don’t take away from your loved

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Tax Planning and Trusts

Before embarking on a new business venture or investment, it is important to understand the potential tax implications that may

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Business Structuring

If you are considering investing or are starting a new business, it is important to decide what structure will offer

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Payroll Compliance

Ensuring the accuracy employee pay is important not only for good employee relations, but also for avoiding hefty penalties. Systemic

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Workplace Training

Our team of employment lawyers offer tailored training solutions for any business size.We understand the importance of understanding what your

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Health and Safety

Every employee has the right to a safe and healthy work environment. With our comprehensive health and safety services, we

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Overseas Assets

It is not uncommon for people to own property all over the world. There are complicated rules about which laws

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Power of Attorney

A ‘Power of Attorney’ is a legal document that allows you to nominate persons whom you trust (referred to as

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Estate Planning

Estate planning involves developing a strategy to deal with your assets after you die – the legal instruments and structures,

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Defending a Will

Persons named as executors of a Will are responsible for defending any challenges made to the Will. It is essential

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If you are considering subdividing land, you need to be aware of the approval process. Subdivisions are governed by each

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Exploring financing options for a property or building construction can be a difficult task. Some creditors may not be upfront

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Construction Contracts

Construction contracts are agreements between owners and contractors. A successful building project starts with a well-thought construction contract. There are

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National Credit Code is important to borrowers and lenders as it regulates the provision of credit including mortgages, personal loans

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Forfeiture Proceedings

In the event of suspected criminal activity, assets may be frozen, forfeited, restrained or seized. The circumstances in which such

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If you are unhappy with the decision of your criminal case, there are possible avenues of appeal available to you.

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Bail Applications

Following an arrest, you may either be released on ‘bail’ or brought before a court for a determination of this

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Police have powers to arrest however these powers are limited and certain rights of the accused party must be adhered

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Visitor Visa

Is someone coming to visit you? In Australia, there are three Visitor Visas available: Each have their own eligibility criteria

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Family Visas

Applications under the Family Visa categories often involve various complexities. If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you

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Student Visas

Australia is an increasingly popular place to study. Whether you are looking to study full-time or undertake training in a

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Work Visas

To work in Australia, overseas residents need to have a valid work visa. There are a range of different visas

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Business and Investment Visas

The Australian business innovation and investment programme (“BIIP”) is designed to attract international business talent and entrepreneurs who are willing

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Has your visa expired or is about to? You need to act sooner rather than later as overstaying your visa

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Work Injury

Otherwise known as workers’ compensation, a work injury may entitle you to make a compensation claim against your employer. As

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Superannuation Splitting

Superannuation contributions have now been a compulsory landmark of the Australian economy for over two decades. As a result, superannuation

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Spousal Maintenance

You may have a responsibility to financially assist your former spouse/de facto partner if they are presently unable to support

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Urgent Injunctions

Rigid court timetables and procedures can create situations where parties are left at an impasse for months in between court

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Property Settlements

Over the course of a relationship, parties often spend years accumulating, selling, reinvesting and simply using up various types of

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Parenting Orders

If you have separated from your former partner and you wish to avoid attending Court, there are a number of

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Medical Negligence

This area of personal injury covers negligence by any health care provider including doctors, dentists, hospitals and specialists. The law

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Child Custody

Are you unsure about how to approach your former partner about what sort of parenting arrangement would be in the

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It is not always easy to pinpoint an exact date of “separation”. In fact, the meaning of the word “separation”

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Mediation is another form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and consists of a mediator, someone impartial and unbiased, to assist

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Before pursuing more formal means of dispute resolution, you may consider various Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) options like Negotiation. This

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An injunction is a mechanism to request the court to prevent a certain action being taken by another until the

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Debt Recovery

Are you owed money? There are ways to get what you’re owed without going to court. The first step is

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