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Driving whilst Suspended, Disqualified or Unlicensed
Driving whilst Suspended, Disqualified or Unlicensed
In NSW, the Courts consider offences of driving whilst suspended or disqualified very serious. Irrespective of whether your licence is suspended due to demerit points, traffic offences or unpaid fines – your licence is ultimately suspended and you should confirm the status of your licence before you resume driving. The penalties for these offences can include a further licence disqualification, a monetary penalty, or even imprisonment.
In certain circumstances, you may have a defence available to you, or, should you plead guilty, seek to have no conviction recorded (Section 10). It is important to obtain appropriate and tailored legal advice to suit your situation.
If you are facing an offence of driving whilst suspended, disqualified or unlicensed, contact one of our expert Traffic Offence lawyers to discuss your case.
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